“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10
DREAM: Together is more than a non-profit organization, we are a movement!
We are comprised of thousands of people who believe in partnering with one another to meet the needs and fund the dreams of heaven, for generations, together.
As the leader in DIGITAL CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM, DREAM: Together exists to deliver the Word of God to as many people as possible. We believe in creating a culture of heavenly dreaming within homes & communities, both locally & globally, and we do this through our online church, missions programs, global outreach, conferences and retreats, curriculum and training, and direct grants of funds and donations to not only meet needs, but also fund dreams.

We exist to bridge the gap – between heaven and earth.
We exist to meet the needs and see heaven’s dreams funded.
We can make God-sized dreams a reality because of your support.
Our Programs
DREAM: Together Standards
We believe in the full acceptance of God’s grace – FREEDOM.
We believe in the full restoration of the earth – “on earth as it is in heaven” – PURPOSE.
We believe in living in Jesus’ greatest command – LOVE.
We believe in being Jesus’ greatest commission, “go” – MULTIPLICATION.
We believe in grace and power through the power of the Holy Spirit – MIRACLES.
We believe in spiritual maturity and growing in the Lord – GROWTH.
We believe we are part of God’s greater plan – AUTHORITY.
We believe in spreading heaven’s culture – ABUNDANCE.
We believe we are better together – UNIFICATION.
We believe in meeting the needs and funding the dreams of heaven – GODLY GENEROSITY.